History of Mountain View Community Church
Mountain View Community Church began with a desire to see a church birthed that would make a genuine difference in the hearts of people in the Bozeman area. There was also a desire to plant a new church that would be a strong sending church to plant more churches regionally and around the world.
Worship Services
We meet on Sunday Mornings at 10:20am.
Mission and Vision
We exist to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help them grow as his followers.
We have a passion to see every person in Bozeman know Jesus, grow as his follower, and go plant churches regionally and globally for the glory of God.

Grant & Brittany Gubser
Lead Pastor
Our lead pastor is Grant Gubser. One of his greatest passions is seeing individuals connect with Jesus through creation. In 2021, Grant was invited by the planting pastor Ashley Denton to move to Bozeman and serve as the Lead Pastor after having served as a pastor in Virginia Beach for almost nine years. Prior to that, he lived in Denver, Colorado, where he completed his Masters of Divinity at Denver Seminary. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Christian Studies from Ouachita Baptist University (Arkadelphia, AR). He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry from Denver Seminary focused on international church planting. Grant and his wife Brittany have three girls and one boy – Lively, Felicity, Bravery and Gloria – and a fun-loving pup, Topo. He and his family are looking forward to seeing a revival in Bozeman that blesses the city and moves beyond to other key cities in the Northern Mountain Region and around the world.

Ashley & Becky Denton
Pastor and Church Planter
Our church planting pastor is Dr. Ashley Denton. He is married to Becky and has five children. Serving as a bi-vocational pastor at Mountain View Community Church in Fort Collins, CO since 2008, he has a passion for missions and student ministry. Currently, he is serving as a bi-vocational church planter in Bozeman, MT. Having grown up in a small mountain town near Aspen, CO he loves the outdoors and finding ways to serve the community. He the author of Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory, and Practice and The Personality of Jesus: How to Introduce Young People to Jesus Christ and Help them Grow in their Faith, and currently serves as the Senior Vice President & Chief Operations Officer of Nexus International and founder of Wilderness Ministry Institute. Ashley has a Doctoral degree in Missions and Cross Cultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Master’s in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from University of Arizona. Involved in over 62 countries, his ministry encourages and equips indigenous leaders in the heart and skills to introduce young people to Jesus Christ through combining relational youth ministry and outdoor adventure. He was formerly on staff with Young Life for 15 years and served as their National Director in New Zealand. He also serves seasonally as a professor of Outdoor Leadership & World Mission at Yellowstone Theological Institute (Bozeman, MT) and Colorado Christian University (Lakewood, CO). He and his family are looking forward to growing a team of pastors for this new church plant as well as being available to help church planting teams in other key cities in the Northern Mountain Region.

Brandon & Cara Gross
Brandon was born in Portland, Oregon, before being raised in Washington. He graduated from Bellevue Christian School. He later graduated from the University of Washington with a degree focused on accounting and technology systems. With the help of his partners, Brandon co-founded Attunix Corporation, a technology services firm, and served as a Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer (COO) until they sold the company in 2018. Brandon is a bi-vocational pastor who enjoys creating meaningful organizations. When Brandon moved to Bozeman, he soon realized God wanted him to use his “God-given” vocational skills for the Kingdom. And so, after much prayer, he felt the Lord calling him to join Ashley Denton in planting MVCC. And serving MVCC has been an unforeseen joy in his life. When not working at church, Brandon can be found working on one or more technology startups or enjoying time with friends and family. Brandon met his wife, Cara, during college, and together they have four amazing children: Caitlin, Lilly, Alex, and Sam. In 2018, the family decided to uproot their lives and found a new home in Bozeman, Montana. Each day they feel blessed to call the Bozeman area home. And they wonder how they survived so many decades “literally” under a dark cloud in Washington. Brandon enjoys apologetics, reading, skiing, outdoor activities, and sport shooting in his free time, but above all, he loves spending time with his family.

Jacob Trausch
Worship Leader
Jacob is our Worship Director at Mountain View. He was born and raised in Irvine, California. At a young age, he became interested in music and quickly began serving in music ministry at church. In 2021, Jacob moved to Bozeman to attend Montana State University. Although technically moving to Montana for school, he was actually drawn here because of the endless opportunities to fly fish. However, the Lord used his move to Bozeman to expose him to believers who taught him to care deeply about Christ, God’s Word, and the local Church. Jacob is grateful to have been able to serve as an intern and worship leader in the college ministry of another church for a few years, where the Lord solidified and grew his passion for worship ministry, before attending Mountain View. Now in his senior year at MSU, he will be graduating in the spring of 2025 with a B.S. in Secondary Education with hopes to teach high school history.
Jacob met his fiancé Marian within weeks of first moving to Bozeman and they plan to get married this fall. In his free time, you can find Jacob fly fishing, backpacking, skiing, playing guitar, and spending time with friends and family. Jacob’s desire is that God alone would be glorified and that the saints would be encouraged by singing truth each week.

Tori Prall
Children's Ministry Director
Originally from Lakewood, Colorado, she followed the Lord’s call to move to Montana for school at MSU and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. While completing school she served as a Children’s Director of another church and fell in love with children’s ministry. She loved being able to use both her passion for teaching and love for the Lord to help further the Kingdom. Torie graduated with a B.S. in Elementary Education K-8 and used it to teach in both public and private schools before the Lord called her out of the classroom and back into Children’s Ministry here at MVCC.
Torie met her husband Adam the first week in college and they have been inseparable ever since. They have one daughter, Joanna, and a sweet dog, Denali. When she’s not teaching, you can find Torie spending time with her family, outdoors exploring God’s vast creation, in the kitchen baking, or curled up with a book and a cup of tea. In all things it is her desire to see God glorified and His name lifted High!
Crossway Network
Mountain View Community Church not only has a heart to see our community in Bozeman reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ but to see a church planting movement that would facilitate the healthy, multiplying churches planted all over the world for the glory of God. We see this as the most healthy form of reaching the world and what we see as God’s design through the book of Acts. As we began to see churches planted, a movement called Crossway Network was birthed. Crossway Network is a church planting organization that plants and supports healthy, reproducing churches and regional networks of churches throughout the world for the glory of God. We share a common heritage, shared commitments, Biblical Foundations, Ministry Distinctives, and Leadership culture. This church planting network desires to see healthy, reproducing churches throughout the world for the glory of God.

This network of churches accomplishes it’s mission by:
- Sharing church planting resources, experience and gifted individuals
- Identifying and training church planting leaders and teams
- Providing ongoing support and equipping among pastors and pastors in training
- Providing funding for church plants, individuals, strategic projects and facilities
This practically looks like:
- Constant communication and sharing of knowledge and resources: not a week goes where there is not leaders sharing ideas and helping each other out in other churches.
- Gathering events to cast vision: at least once a year, the churches in a region get together for a “celebration” event to worship God and be reminded we are part of a greater movement of God beyond just our own churches.
- Sharing of retreats (men’s, women’s, youth, college)
- Sharing of ministry curriculum and resources
- Sharing of people: we send people from our churches to help each other out for short term needs or long term needs.
- Sharing of money: we also pool some of our money to meet any needs in the other bodies. We have, together with Windsor Community Church, invested in the Wilmington Plant, the Wellington Plant, the building for Johnson City, and more.
- Pastors in that region get together once every three months for encouragement and learning from each other.
- Once a year the pastor’s and wives get together for a “Network Huddle” for a time of encouragement and to resource each other.
So as you can tell – this “Network” of churches is a huge blessing – especially for new church plants having resources and not having to re-create the wheel, but can learn and be resourced by the other churches. We believe the Crossway Network will help in the multiplication of churches and provide a lot of encouragement and resources for each other. For more information about Crossway Network of churches, go to www.crosswaychapel.org
US Crossway Network Churches:
Creekside Community Church – www.creeksidemac.com – (McMinnville, OR – 2002)
The Crossing – www.thecrossingfc.org – (Fort Collins, CO 2010)
Crossway Chapel of Fox Valley – www.crosswayfoxvalley.com – (North Aurora, IL – relaunch 2009)
Crossway Chapel of Wilmington – www.crosswaywilmington.org – (Wilmington, NC – 2005)
High Plains Harvest – www.highplainsharvest.org – (Ault, CO – 2010)
Mountain View Community Church – www.mvcchurch.org – (Fort Collins, CO, 1993)
Parkview Community Church – www.parkviewcommunitychurch.com – (Northville, NY, 2017)
Redeemer Fellowship – Point Pleasant – pointpleasant.redeemernj.com – (Point Pleasant, NJ 2018)
Redeemer Fellowship – Toms River – www.redeemernj.com – (Tom’s River, NJ – 2010)
Redemption Church – redemptionloveland.org – (Loveland, CO, 2015)
Summit Christian Fellowship – www.summit-christian.org – (Tacoma, WA, 2019)
International Crossway Network Churches:
Camino De La Cruz – (Puerto Escondido, Mexico, 2017)
Comunidad 4:13 – (Siguatepeque, Honduras, 2018)
Kisha Ungjillore e Vëllezërve Vlorë – (Vlorë, Albania, 2018)
CB Velká Lhota – (Velká Lhota, Czech Republic)
Kostel Jinak – (Šumperk, Czech Republic)
Maják Church – (Vsetin, Czech Republic, 2006)
Metro Olomouc – (Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2012)
NA Cestē Brno – (Brno, Czech Republic)
Za Kostolom – (Zilina, Slovakia, 2017)
Pokhara Binay Church – (Pokhara, Nepal – 2010)
Crossway Network Huddle
Every year, pastors from the churches across the network gather for a “Huddle” for fellowship, encouragement, equipping and vision for the network.