Jesus intentionally used adventure to get to the hearts of his disciples. And having led youth ministries for over 30 years and trained youth workers from over 60 countries, I am more convinced than ever that there are specific and compelling reasons why churches today should double their efforts to get people out into the wilderness. I recently wrote the book, Christian Outdoor Leadership as a tool to help youth pastors and leaders see the importance and value of outdoor pursuits. Many churches are leading the way, setting up models for how local churches can get more young people to encounter Jesus in a meaningful way in the wilderness. For more information feel free to check out my article, 7 Reasons Why Church-Based Outdoor Ministry is Taking Off
-Ashley Denton, Pastor
Upcoming Trips:
Interested in Serving in Outdoor Ministry?
Middle/High School CREW
Join us for our weekly middle/high school CREW nights!
Wednesday Nights from 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: The Rock Youth Center
214 N. 11th Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715